Belt Wipe™
Field-Proven Test Results

The original version of the Belt Wipe was deployed in 2017 and test results were gathered during a 25-day acceptance test.  A location was identified at the test site for a side by side & mirror image comparison of dust accumulations below a conveyor belt fitted with the Belt Wipe, compared against a “control” for the experiment created by measuring dust accumulations below an adjacent conveyor belt that was fitted only with an existing air knife and no Belt Wipe.

Both conveyor belts in the experiment were moving bulk grain as follows:

  • Mirror image shipping belts in a bulk grain terminal, discharging into the same bucket elevator boot
  • Both belts operated at the same belt speed (800 ft/minute)
  • Both belts ran the same grain and tonnage of material during the 25-day test
  • Both belts operated for the same time duration during the test
  • Both belts featured return idler belt supports positioned at identical dimensional intervals on the return path

One of the conveyor belts was fitted with the Belt Wipe at the head end of the conveyor and replaced the existing air knife, while the other conveyor belt (the “control”, or comparison for the experiment) included an operating air knife at the head end where the conveyor belt exited the bucket elevator boot.

Belt Wipe Test

Testing Setup of Buckets #1 and #2 for the Conveyor Equipped With a Belt Wipe. The buckets were rigged directly below the return idlers.

Belt Wipe Test

Testing Setup of the “Control” for the Conveyor Without a Belt Wipe; showing Buckets #3 and #4. The buckets were rigged directly below the return idlers.

Both conveyors were rigged with two dust accumulation buckets each, below the first two return idlers immediately adjacent to the bucket elevator boot, and the dust accumulation buckets were also rigged below the 2nd in sequence return idler rollers of both conveyors.

Dust accumulations were measured and weighed by site staff over the 25 days of testing, to remove our staff from the benchmarking process, thereby maintaining the quality and independence of the field testing.

Bucket #1 and Bucket #3 were placed at the return idlers nearest to the head end of the two test conveyors, while Buckets #2 and #4 were rigged below the 2nd return idlers, approximately 3m/10’ downstream of Buckets #1 & #3.

Belt Wipe Field Proven Test Results

Therefore, the comparison is Bucket #1 versus Bucket #3, or 25g/507g = 95% reduction;

Or by comparing Bucket #2 versus Bucket #4, or 67g/668g = 90% reduction.

Therefore, that is why the effectiveness of the Belt Wipe is stated as up to 95% effective at carryback dust capture/removal, while its nominal rating is the midpoint of the two dust accumulation measurements, or 92.5% efficiency.  No other dry dust control device for conveyor belts in the marketplace achieves this level of effectiveness.