Conveyor Belt Dust Control System

Belt Wipe™ Brochure

Belt Wipe Brochure Download

Belt Wipe™
Features & Benefits

Conveyor Belt Cleaning & Dust Control System

The highest-rated cleaning effectiveness in the industry of 92%~96%; while competing technologies are 20%~30% effective.


INDUSTRY-LEADING TECHNOLOGY – Nominal 92.5% Carryback Removal

Field Tested and proven to capture and remove at least 90% of carryback, with measured effectiveness as high as 95%, therefore the product is rated for nominally 92.5% capture/cleaning effectiveness to remove carryback particulate.

CONVERTS WASTE TO REVENUE – Particulate is Valuable

In some applications, fugitive carryback material that is randomly dispersed during return belt travel cannot be converted to saleable product – this is especially true for food products, where materials deposited on the floor and on overhead horizontal surfaces must be treated as a revenue-negative waste stream, requiring disposal off-site.  When fugitive material is dispersed randomly, that material equates to lost revenue, and further revenue is expended during manual cleanup, disposal and dust mitigation procedures.

With the Belt Wipe, recovery of fugitive material from the return belt surface can be as high as 96%, converting more of your valuable product into revenue, while reducing labour costs and out of pocket costs for manual dust mitigation efforts and off-site disposal.

For belt conveyors that move multiple bulk material streams, such as aluminum smelters that move alumina and green petcoke alternately using the same conveyors, any fugitive particulate dispersed by the conveyors is combined during manual cleanup procedures, cannot be re-separated, and becomes a waste product that is unsuitable for the aluminum refining process.  In such applications, the Belt Wipe recovers fugitive material from the return belt surface before it is dispersed and reduces manual cleanup below and around conveyors by approximately 92%.

The Belt Wipe is highly effective at recovering valuable materials, before the materials are randomly dispersed, un-useable and costly to dispose of.


Typical installations will realize an 8x to 25x reduction in carryback discharge, which directly translates into higher Plant efficiency and safety.  Instead of ongoing cleanup labour and cost, product is converted to revenue, and valuable staff time can be redeployed to higher-priority activities.

Frequencies between manual dust mitigation cleanups are extended by utilizing the Belt Wipe, allowing for extended operating hours between manual cleanups.

LOWER TOTAL INSTALLED COST THAN ENCLOSED CONVEYORS – Can be Fitted to Conventional Conveyor Systems

Conventional conveyors are a lower cost alternative to enclosed conveyors and are a simple technology that can be used in perpetuity.  The Belt Wipe can be fitted to conventional conveyors at a lower cost than installing a fully enclosed conveyor.


Can be fitted to many types of conveyors such as enclosed, cleated, trough, tube or one-way trippers.

CUSTOMIZABLE – If You Can Imagine it, We Can Build It!

Many options available for reduced height and specialized installations – just CONTACT US and we’ll work on a solution!

ENGINEERING – Simple and Long Lasting

Our team designed the Belt Wipe like we would install, own and maintain the device ourselves.  Our equipment has no rotating machinery, no electrical connection, and does not require connection to Plant automation systems.  The Belt Wipe utilizes urethane cleaning elements for contacting the conveyor belt that are the longest-lasting in the industry.

CLEANS UP YOUR CONVEYOR – Removes Buildup from Belts, Pulleys and Idlers

Cleans the belt surface at the head end, prior to belt contact with return idlers, and reduces idler and pulley ovalization; which reduces tracking issues.

Wet and oily materials such as frozen bulk grains and oilseed crops will collect and build up on rotating components on conveyor belts, and conventional belt scrapers are insufficient to properly clean conveyor belts that handle wet & sticky materials typically responsible for buildup on rotating components.

The addition of a Belt Wipe typically cleans up the entire beltline, and any rotating components that are prone to buildup prior to fitment with a Belt Wipe will spin themselves clean within 1 to 2 weeks after treatment with a Belt Wipe.  The Belt Wipe reduces fugitive particulate dispersal so effectively that rotating components will operate far cleaner.

ELIMINATES INEFFECTIVE DEVICES – Combines and Primary and Secondary Belt Scraper

Eliminate ineffective dust capture devices from your plant such as primary belt scrapers, air knives and squeegee/wiper type belt cleaners.  In many cases an existing aspiration connection to the dust collection system can be re-routed to the Belt Wipe in retrofit applications, and the ineffective devices can be eliminated.


Many grain terminals utilize an air knife at the discharge end of conveyors, and the air knives are completely ineffective, averaging 5%~10% capture effectiveness.

The Belt Wipe was designed to utilize the same amount, or less, dust collection aspiration air as the air knives.

A typical retrofit of the Belt Wipe in place of an air knife can abandon the air knife in place, while re-routing the aspiration air from the air knife to the Belt Wipe, with no changes to the grain terminal’s dust collection system piping or capacity, saving the cost of a dedicated new aspiration connection for the Belt Wipe.

CONFORMAL – Rides the Profile of the Belt

Multiple flexible/individual urethane elements within the Belt Wipe maintain contact with the belt at all times; while conventional belt scrapers are often in contact with only a small percentage of the belt’s total width and clean only a small portion of the carryback particulate from the belt surface.


If your conveyor belts are “snowing” dust inside or outside your facility, see our videos page for how we can help eliminate “snowing” below your conveyor belts.


Does not catch or interfere with Mechanical splices – set the device up, check it occasionally for proper urethane preload deflection, and let it control your carryback.

The Belt Wipe’s urethane cleanerhead deflects away from the direction of belt travel, while conventional belt scrapers attempt to “knife” the material away from the belt by angling the tip of the belt scraper urethane toward the belt’s travel.

Conventional belt scrapers therefore do a poor job of scraping because only a small portion of the conventional belt scraper’s urethane is in contact with the belt, because conventional belt scrapers lack the individual flexible urethane elements of the Belt Wipe.

Conventional belt scrapers must also run significant amounts of preload through springs and cams, to ensure that enough of the scraper makes contact with the belt.  The increased preload utilized by conventional belt scrapers builds heat in the urethane and ensures that a conventional belt scraper will fail prematurely.

The Belt Wipe does not require significant preload of the urethane to work correctly, therefore the urethane within the Belt Wipe does not build excess heat, lasts longer, and is air-cooled within the suction hood of the Belt Wipe.


All units are groundable and bondable and are available with urethane elements of static dissipative ATEX™ certified material for combustible dust applications.  The urethane is also available in a conventional high-wear formulation for non-combustible dusts.

EASY MOUNTING – Mounts Quickly

Typical fitments are completed in less than one day.